August 31

Q1 Formative Blog: Collaborate and Art-making skill

Recently in class we have been building a slab letter. My partner taught me new things i would have never knew. When we started designing the G slab letter, she showed me how important it is to plan the proportions before building so the clay wont fall and will stand up. Then she helped me increase my skills with slabs. The only previous knowledge I had had was just putting together a box and mug from slab. Although, the letter had much more curves and we had to measure out the slabs correctly in order to make sure it would collapse. From her I have increased my skill in slabs. From our collaboration the slab has turned out great.

The area of improvement in the slab letter G was expanding on my previous knowledge of slab-building. The slab letter had many connecting pieces and was complex. Due to this, I had to measure out each of my pieces and connect them to the base and each other. If they were not sturdily connected the G would not be stable. This has been an increase in my slab making skills because previously I had only built with one slab and connected it to the other side. But with this new technique I had to measure carefully, and connect many pieces (there were about 25).

So overall, due to collaborating with my partner and expanding my skills, I have now increased my knowledge and technique in slab making. And hopefully in the future I can expand my knowledge more.

Posted August 31, 2017 by rahaf1sc20 in category Uncategorized

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